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Whether it’s digital accounting, mobile POS systems or video conferencing technology, smart B2B solutions simplify processes for companies so that they can concentrate on what’s important – their customers. We position your company with its services as an expert and mentor in trade as well as general-interest media, and through your own content channels.

Success Stories

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Communications – PR and Social Media for Digital B2B Companies

Our cases offer you a first insight into successful PR and social media campaigns that have helped digital B2B companies to expand their reach, build trust, and reach their target groups effectively.

Public Relations


Through our collaboration, we have established Billomat as the first point of contact and expert on bookkeeping, accounting, and tax issues for start-ups, companies, and the self-employed in the DACH region. Our PR work primarily generated traffic and trust. Together, we generated over 950 publications in both high-reach B2C and B2B media and articles in WirtschaftsWoche, Handelsblatt, t3n and Handwerker Magazin, for example, between 2017 and 2021.
Public Relations


In order to position resmio as an independent, transparent expert for digitalization in the hospitality industry, we primarily approached trade press as well as business and general interest media. During our collaboration from 2019 to 2022, we achieved over 270 clippings in print and online media. For example, articles appeared on Focus Online, Business Punk, AHGZ, Hogapage, Gastgewerbe Magazin and Getränke Magazin. We were also able to place resmio in numerous regional media with a wide reach, such as Frankfurter Neue Presse and Münchner Merkur.
Public Relations & LinkedIn


Through our PR and data storytelling, we were able to significantly increase freelancermap's brand awareness. The company and its studies gained significantly in reputation and credibility. For example, dpa used the Freelancer Compass for its editorial reporting. In addition, high-reach media such as Handelsblatt, t3n, FAZ and heise regularly reported on articles and news. From 2017 to 2023, we achieved over 1,000 clippings in online and print media.
Public Relations


The mission is to communicate the company's expertise, the accuracy of the data offered, and the quality of the information and to position Creditsafe as one of the largest credit agencies. We began our operational collaboration in January 2018. Since then, we have achieved over 380 publications. Clippings have appeared in national general interest media such as BILD, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Capital, as well as in specialist media from various sectors, such as Verkehrsrundschau, heise, Industrieanzeiger and stahl und eisen.
Public Relations


In order to establish Gympass as a corporate well-being expert and professional for the modernization and digitalization of the fitness industry, we primarily approached HR, business, lifestyle, and fitness media. We also successfully positioned Samuel Turnwald, Head of Corporate Wellbeing at Gympass Germany, through specialist articles and interviews in HR and business media as well as podcasts. The expertise was also underpinned by the publication of infographics, statistics, trends, and studies. During our collaboration from 2020 to 2022, we achieved over 180 clippings in print and online media.
Public Relations


The aim of our PR work is to position kollex as a digital intermediary between restaurateurs and suppliers and as an efficient ordering platform that drives the digitalization of the industry. To this end, the company primarily addresses specialist media from the hospitality industry and the beverage trade. With studies, trend forecasts, and background discussions, we position kollex as experts for the hospitality and beverage market and the digitalization thereof.
Public Relations


ToolTime is a cloud-based software that digitizes the work processes in craft businesses and thus ensures greater efficiency. As an expert in the field of digitalization of trade businesses, we present CEO Marius Stäcker as a potential interview partner or podcast guest and address current challenges in the industry, such as the shortage of skilled workers. We also regularly write guest articles and press releases for trade magazines and, in the case of special news, company reports for the start-up press.
Public Relations


Between October 2015 and October 2016, we achieved over 100 publications in print and online media for this secure cloud storage. Articles by Tresorit have been picked up by specialist media such as absatzwirtschaft, Cloud Computing Insider, Computer Partner and start-up media. Particular highlights in the context of PR support are publications in IT Mittelstand, Handelsblatt, Meedia, msn Schweiz, web & mobile DEVELOPER and WirtschaftsWoche Online.

Campfire – Employer Branding for Digital B2B Companies

For more than 25 years, ADVOSERVICE has stood for competent consulting and support of business consulting law firms. We developed an employer branding strategy for their recruiting target groups of service technicians and software developers. The stories identified were incorporated into public relations measures to achieve relevant reach among the audience.

Case Study

Campus – Storytelling Workshops for Digital B2B Companies

"Julia and Liam have found the right mix of theoretical basis, clear examples and individual practical exercises. We have realized that a fabulous number of (hero) stories are lying dormant in us, and now we also know how to tell them effectively."


"Julia and Liam have found the right mix of theoretical basis, clear examples and individual practical exercises. We have realized that a fabulous number of (hero) stories are lying dormant in us, and now we also know how to tell them effectively."
