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Take your leadership career to the next level with our "Storytelling for leaders" workshop! Discover how to communicate your vision and values vividly and build a strong connection with your team by telling gripping stories. Learn how to integrate the hero's journey into your daily communication, from motivating success stories to instructive failures. With our practical exercises and in-depth insights, you will become master storytellers who inspire, motivate and lead. Let's ignite the art of storytelling together and revolutionize your leadership skills!

Main topics:

  • The corporate hero’s journey: vision and core messages with storytelling
  • Communicating corporate values and culture with stories
  • The employee hero’s journey: Giving and receiving feedback with storytelling
  • Finding and telling leadership stories

What do you take away from the workshop?

  • Introduction to the basics of storytelling
  • Introduction and implementation of value communication
  • Storytelling in employee management: learning storytelling methods in feedback and discussions
  • Creative Storytelling: Learning and applying storytelling methods for leadership stories
Managerin erklärt ihrem Team etwas

Articles on the Topic

CEO Storytelling

Limelight to Backstage

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Storytelling for Executives

Values, Vision and Motivation

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Storytelling for Managers

Winning the Favor of Employees

Read more

Highlights of the workshops

  • Learn storytelling methods and implement them directly
  • Leadership stories can be used for content marketing and/or presentations
  • Feedback methods also useful for recruiting / employer branding
  • Experienced storytelling experts as workshop leaders and facilitators

We offer you:

  • Customized workshop exactly according to your needs
  • Flexible choice of date and location / on request also as webinar
  • Webinar via Zoom or your own webinar provider
  • If desired, supplemented with further playful additional activities
  • Documentation (video recording in webinars and / or written)

Not only the heroic moments of great speeches, presentations or annual conferences of the top management league are suitable for successful leadership stories. Storytelling can be integrated on a daily basis at many levels of management and collaboration. Stories about extraordinary successes of individual employees, about insights gained only through one’s own failures, or about shared values make for successful leadership moments.

Leadership stories help to communicate the vision, values and corporate culture in a way that is not governed by laws and manuals, but internalized and carried forward. The hero’s journey – including that of the leader – is the common thread that runs through the entire brand identity and is reflected in all measures.

Storytelling is a tool that every leader must first learn for him or herself in order to apply it in daily interaction. With the help of storytelling, vision and ideas are remembered longer and a strong sustainable connection to the team is built. We help leaders find and tell the right stories that empower, motivate and guide their employees.

The goal of our workshop is to use storytelling to optimize employee leadership and improve communication internally. With the help of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, we bring managers to the next leadership level with the tool of storytelling.