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Employees are the best storytellers when it comes to painting an authentic and attractive picture of you as a company. We will show you how to use storytelling to tell your story with vibrancy and attract the interest of top talent. With practical exercises, sound theories and inspiring examples, we will equip you to tell your brand's story confidently and effectively. Let's take your employer branding to a new level together!

Main topics

  • Introduction to employer branding and storytelling
  • Employer brand stories: Positioning as an employer brand
  • Employee Storytelling: Where to find the best stories and storytellers in the company?
  • Storytelling and Recruiting
  • Leadership Storytelling

We offer:

  • Customized seminar exactly according to your needs
  • Flexible choice of date and location, or as a webinar
  • With catering on request
  • Individually tailored seminar concept
  • Certificates of participation
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Articles on the Topic

Hero’s Journey in Employer Branding

Recruiting Journey

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Employer Branding Funnel

From Recruiting to Retention

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Storytelling in Employer Branding

10 Ways

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Where does a company come from? Where does it want to go? What hurdles must it overcome and what role will the company play in a new world?

These and many other brand storytelling questions are also important for employer brand management. The linchpin here is corporate identity, because HR marketing means having the right strategy for raising the company’s profile: How is the company different from others and what makes it a first-class contact point for applicants and candidates? While most companies know that they need to position themselves as an employer brand, they don’t know the right social media channels and tools to do so. The most important thing here is employee retention, because the company’s own employees are the most important heroes and heroines and at the same time the best storytellers when it comes to painting an authentic and attractive picture as an employer. Instead of theoretical arguments for corporate culture, employee stories give the company a face and are more concrete, rich and emotional – everything that makes storytelling successful.

True to our motto: “Everyone has a story to tell,” in our workshop we equip companies, managing directors and employees with the necessary tools to find convincing company and employee stories and tell them in an exciting way with the help of sound theoretical principles, practical examples and hands-on exercises.

The Employer Branding Workshop is aimed at companies, managing directors, marketing and HR managers who want to communicate their corporate values with the help of brand storytelling in order to retain the best employees and make a desirable impression on future talents and exactly the right employees. Since every company has its own exciting company and employee stories to tell, we offer individually tailored employer branding workshops that focus specifically on concrete communication challenges and issues.