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How do corporate values become more than just words on paper?

Discover it in our workshop on internal communication with storytelling! Learn how to bring your corporate values to life and integrate them deeply into the DNA of your organization. We'll show you how to use powerful stories to create an environment that not only inspires, but also reflects values in every action. From the management to the interns – make your principles a lived reality and strengthen the cohesion and identity of your team. Join us and shape the future of your company with every story you tell!

Main topics

  • Introduction to storytelling
  • Hero’s journey of the company (core values and messages)
  • Value communication (finding and defining shared values)
  • Storylistening: transforming stories into values
  • Storydoing: Integrating values into routine and everyday life


  • Customized seminar exactly according to your needs
  • Flexible choice of date and location
  • With catering on request
  • Individually coordinated seminar concept
  • Certificates of participation

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Corporate values are steadfast, honest and unique in their interplay. They are deeply rooted and reflected in the way people work and collaborate within an organization – at least they should be. But how does an organization define its principles and incorporate them into its DNA? And why is defining one’s guiding principles actually so important?

In order to be competitive as a company, managers must pay close attention to the social component within their team in addition to economic success. More and more applicants are consciously looking for companies whose values are in line with their personal principles.

Organizations should not only define their mission statements. They should also be supported and lived by every single team member; starting with the management and ending with the interns. They are important signposts and are reflected in all the stories and actions of a company.

Our workshop is aimed at companies, executives and HR managers who want to find, define and communicate their corporate values with the help of storytelling. With our storytelling methods, we want to help you integrate your core values into everyday business life on the one hand, and retain your existing employees and make them desirable for future talent on the other. Since every company has individual values and its own employee stories to tell, we offer customized workshops that focus on specific challenges and issues in value communication.