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Lifestyle & Health

Brands Is “Typically German” also available in large? – Adidas and Nike at the EURO 2024
Miriam Rupp

Miriam Rupp

18 July 2024

Is “Typically German” also available in large? – Adidas and Nike at the EURO 2024
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Brands Between peaks and stories: Patagonia’s narrative expedition
Rebecca Schneider

Rebecca Schneider

25 April 2024

Between peaks and stories: Patagonia’s narrative expedition
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Brands Birkenstock’s Hero’s Journey: From the Blue Footbed to the Red Carpet
Luisa Lamade

Luisa Lamade

3 January 2024

Birkenstock’s Hero’s Journey: From the Blue Footbed to the Red Carpet
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Communications – PR, Social Media, Content Storytelling goes Pinterest – The perfect Pin
Redaktion Mashup Communications

Redaktion Mashup Communications

30 December 2023

Storytelling goes Pinterest – The perfect Pin
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Brands 50 Years of Lidl: The Hero’s Journey of the Discounter Dynasty
Jennifer Nürnberger

Jennifer Nürnberger

5 December 2023

50 Years of Lidl: The Hero’s Journey of the Discounter Dynasty
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Brands The Barbie Hero’s Journey: From Unrealistic Cliché to Inspiring Role Model
Julia Beyer

Julia Beyer

2 May 2023

The Barbie Hero’s Journey: From Unrealistic Cliché to Inspiring Role Model
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